Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Haven't drawn a jedi in awhile.


Unknown said...

Nice. He's pretty pissed for a Jedi. Maybe that's Dooku as he was turning. That's funny, I was just thinking that I haven't drawn a jedi in a while this morning. Except instead of 'jedi' it was 'ninja turtle'.

Mukpuddy said...

Awesome blog dude, some really inspirational stuff here!!

jstrawn said...

Your drawings are fantastic will live on. Rest in peace, man.

Heidi Gilbert said...

I miss you like crazy.

Jeff Mahorney said...

Rest in peace Justin and thank you for all the beautiful work you brought to the world.

Alexa said...

I know that you are still drawing - and I can't wait to see what you've been up to one day.

Yo Yo Ma said...

Remembering Justin...the night after the Producer's show, after attending Wicked,Justin, as a storyboard artist,complained that characters such as Fierro should not be brought back to life, I reminded Justin that beloved characters should be brought back such as Spock in the Star Trek movies. Justin agreed. Yes, Justin, I was right. Sometimes beloved characters (you)should be brought back. The Gilberts will miss you.Thanks for your friendship

Anonymous said...

Adios Justin.

no nos conociamos, pero te acompaño en el sentimiento con los tuyos

Stephen Eusebio said...

I love Jedi, being one myself. RIP Justin. Thanks for sharing your art with the world.


Unknown said...

I was Justin's youth pastor from 94-99 in Napa. When I met him he was short and plump and his face was ballooned up from reaction to the anti-rejection meds for his new heart. After he finally got off of them, it was a joy to see him grow tall and slim down. He just blossomed in so many ways. But his joyful and fun-loving spirit was always there from the first day I met him. On a side note, his mother who taught at our church school, knowing my love for reptiles, gifted me the classroom pet. It was a leopard gecko named Lizzie. Lizzie was lost in the classroom for 5 months. When she was found at the end of the year, she was skin and bones. Mrs. Wright said if I could nurse her back to health, I could keep her. That must have been around '96 or '97. Well, Lizzie is blind in one eye and can't see out of the other so I have to feed her crickets and mealworms by hand, but she's still alive! I often think of the Wright family when I care for Lizzie. My heart aches with them now for their loss, but rejoices with them in the hope of the resurrection when Justin will receive a new body with a perfect heart. Eagerly looking forward to that great day of reunion, NLK

marcuscooley said...

Marcus Cooley
hey man awesome... could i pay you to drAw a jedi cartoon turtle
let me know,

Icewoman said...

I was stunned when I saw Wall-E yesterday and saw Justin's name in memoriam (I'm attending school at Texas A&M and hadn't heard about his passing). I remember him as the little first then second grader that would come talk to me where I worked during lunch breaks at the school snack bar. I'll miss him and my prayers are with his family.

Miriam said...

I just saw Wall-E in the theater in New Jersey, noticed the "in memory," and wanted to drop by here to say I am sorry for the world's loss and your family's loss. Sounds like you are with Jesus now, thanks to the youth pastor for dropping that in. Rest in peace.

John T. Woods said...

yeah... i know. i'm on it.

marcuscooley said...

Can Someone Tell Me What happened to Justin ?
I have been talking to him for about two months and i cant get in touch with him now :(
And I see people saying they miss him :(
PLEASE! contact me through this BLOG or e-mail marcus.cooley@gmail.com

I'm just a girl. said...

Sweet Justin, we all miss you so much. You brought so much beauty into the world not only with your drawings, but with your very existence. Thank you so much for the picture of Imogene that you made me--I'll treasure it forever.

servidora said...

Dear Justin,

unfortunately I have met you through the final credits of Wall-E.

Thanks for making me dream :-)

Unknown said...

Hi, Justin,

I'm a french woman, I have seen today " Wall-e".

I discover in the same time your work, your courage and your death.

Congratulations, Justin, rest in peace...

ugur parildak said...

they dedicated a whole film to you justine.. hope you rest in peace..

Kevin Kyburz said...

thank you & r.i.p.

drtarkan72 said...

Thank you for all the beautiful work of art,this must be the magic of internet and art connecting people worlds apart,your art is eternal,rest in peace,from Istanbul...

Angel L. said...

Tu corazón no ayudó mucho en vida pero tus manos dejaran una huella imborrable. Gracias por permitirnos disfrutar de tus dibujos. Al menos cumpliste tu sueño de trabajar para Pixar.

Descanses en paz, Justin.

pjande said...

Saw the in memory on Wall E credits. So glad you're able to draw again with unlimited art supplies in an unlimited new form. Rock on Superman.

Unknown said...

A post from France, i've just finish watching Wall-E where i read about you, Justin, just wanna say Hey and thank you for all, dude. your great work lives on.

MartyMcFly007 said...

Just watched the wonderful "WALL*E" and learned of Justin. His life seems to have touched so many people, even those like me who never had the privilege to meet him. I've been deeply moved to read about Justin and how he accomplished his dreams. What an incredible inspiration.

May we all never take another single day for granted.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Loved WALL-E! I know you're having more fun than we could imagine now. Enjoy yourself Justin and thanks for leaving us with such an interesting story with your life and wonderful film.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amin said...

nice work
gretting from france

Janet Wright said...

I miss you, Justin. All my love, Mom

Unknown said...

I’ve been meaning to write this for a while Justin.

The dedicated and talented folks at Pixar recognized your talent and brought you into their fold.

Sadly you were taken from them, but in their love, they bestowed to you the symbol of 'renewal' and of 'life reborn' to their creation - Wall-E.

I think it’s safe to say that there could have been no better way to say good bye to one of their own.

Anonymous said...

Im just some random person who loved wall-e, but i have to say a fitting tribute to a great guy and artist!

Yon said...

Hey Justin , I only discovered you today, years after you've left the world , but I just wanna let you know how special and important you are to me and many other people out there now. Tearing for your loss.

Yon Hui

Favela said...

hey man. listening to Radiohead and thought of you. we miss you down here. love you my friend. hope this blog is linked to your astral Wright star.

Manoj Singh said...

Awesome stuff man, lots of really good narratives.

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Piyush said...

I was Justin's youth pastor from 94-99 in Napa. When I met him he was short and plump and his face was ballooned up from reaction to the anti-rejection meds for his new heart. After he finally got off of them, it was a joy to see him grow tall and slim down. He just blossomed in so many ways. But his joyful and fun-loving spirit was always there from the first day I met him. On a side note, his mother who taught at our church school, knowing my love for reptiles, gifted me the classroom pet...


Manoj Singh said...

This blog totally comes up to me expectations.

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Unknown said...

Just watched Wall E with my 2 year old son, he loved it. This is wonderful that you are remembered in such a way and I think it will be everlasting as the film is so incredible. Love from Ireland. Matt and Roy Ryan

e-Photo 21 said...

Vi Wally con mi hijo y fue una de esas peliculas que no solo son divertidas sino que tienen un final feliz y esperanzador. Hasta hoy (04/03/13) no lei la dedicatoria espero que donde estes puedas leer esto y estar orgulloso del trabajo realizado. Descanza en paz. Juan Magne

Levi Mathias Johnson said...

I sincerely hope you are in Heaven. Thank you for your contributions and I'm sad you didn't get to live to a ripe old age. It sounds like you were living your dreams though! Rest in Peace.

Levi Mathias Johnson said...

Just watched Wall-E again after all these years and noticed your' dedication and how young you were. Truly sad that you left the world so young in life but I expect to see you on the other side. Many blessings to your' family and thank you for contributing so much value during your life.

Unknown said...

Goodness, gracious....saw Wall-E and the credits and now saw your sketches. You are up there with Walt Disney....from one artist to another, Thank You and God Bless You!

Unknown said...

Goodness, gracious....saw Wall-E and the credits and now saw your sketches. You are up there with Walt Disney....from one artist to another, Thank You and God Bless You!

Unknown said...

You were best of artist ever.
I miss you, justin.
Rest in peace.........

Unknown said...

You were best of artist ever.
I miss you, justin.
Rest in peace.........

Unknown said...

It's 2016...re watched WALL-E this evening with my family. Thank you for your art sir. Draw in Peace.


Unknown said...

It's 30 Mar 2018 I just rewatched Wall-E thank you for the laughs RIP
Shawn K Wood

Unknown said...

I never knew just seen nor did I ever hear of him, being well over a decade after his passing I was watching Wall-E and noticed his name in the mormorium (if that's what it's called) I don't know if you will even see this but my two favorite movies in the world are Wall-e and Ratatouille. Both of which he worked on. Long story short He will be missed

Unknown said...

Thank you for your great work at Wall-E, every time someone watches your movie you will be remembered! RIP

Frank98 said...

Rest in Peace.

Unknown said...

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